Paul Earl

Illustrator & graphic designer

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I’m Paul, graphic designer, architect and illustrator.

I’ve always been fascinating by art and photography, I’ve studied architecture at Politecnico of Milan where I got graduated in 2016.

During my 2 years of studying and working at Amsterdam, I’ve developed, starting from pictures of traditional houses, my own particular and original style of illustration, that aim to represent but also to personalize beauty within objects.

In my illustrations I try to bring together my love for cities, art, colors and photography working on my own or others’ shots. I’ve focused my work on portraits, field in which I could experiment compositions of unusual colors and I huge research of expressivity.

Currently I’ve collaborated with furniture industry as Art Director, in the past, with the sportive magazine Libri di Sport (www.libridisport.com) and also with some artists, singers and bands creating logos, graphics, covers and personalized portraits, keeping always my own style.

I’ve also created some fashion products as shopping bags, beach towels, t-shirts and other kind of merchandising.

You can find my printed illustrations at my Etsy page.

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